Oils, Etc.

I love to hear God through dreams,
and I love the amazing benefits of essential oils.
I weave both through my stories!


Have you ever thought that dreams might mean something?

Sure, there’s Freud’s way of interpreting dreams, and other methods too, but I’ve found that the ancient Hebraic method used throughout the history of the Jews is unique and the most reliable.

Below are links to a few people/books/resources that might be helpful in learning this method.
Sweet Dreams!

* Book
* Mp3
* Course

* Show
* Resources
* Classes

* Books
* Interpret My Dream!
* 4 Types of Dreams – Video

Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to support healthy living. From the ancient Egyptians, to the French, to modern day around the world. Some of today’s medicines are even synthetic attempts at recreating what is naturally found in essential oils.

I love essential oils because of they’re natural, they smell good, and I’ve seen good results. They’re a part of my everyday life. Because I love them so much, I’ve them incorporated them into various books I’ve written.

If you’re interested in learning more, visit this link and explore for yourself the amazing beauty, strength and power of nature!

K.Ross’ books on Amazon

Visit K. Ross’ Author Page on Amazon