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Lyrics: Love Forever Wins

The Realm Theme Song

Lyrics – KL Glanville/K.Ross
Music and Vocals – Andi Roselund/The Majestic High

​The Keeper sees
In and beyond time
Heart of sorrows rent
The key to golden paths

Mine for yours
yours in mine
Love forever wins

The beggars come
Dropping cherished coins
Bowing to the fountain
Where wishes all came true

Mine for yours
Yours in mine
Love forever wins

Shadows cover
Round olden fountain
Treasures buried wait
Ancient locks young broken

Mine for yours
Yours in mine
Love forever wins

When breaks the seal
Eyes made brighter
With sight beyond to real
Then gold in hands redeems

Heavens clashing
Streams pour rivers
Sight climbs higher still
And lives in land foresworn

Dark comes the day
All passions tremble
North and south have gathered
But east decides the fate

Love waits atop the crown
Kissing fire to the earth
Heart yearning torn in two
Binds us forever to one

Mine for yours
Yours in mine
Love forever wins

Love Forever Wins
Love Forever Wins

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