How Convenient Will your Inspiration Be This Year?
Happy New Year! It’s a new year and a new day, packed with tons of possibility and potential…
Three Reasons to Head to the Movies
1. Recently I’ve been a little stuck editing the second book of The Realm series. It needs some…
Super Fun “2108: Eyes Open” Blog Tour Links
What is a blog tour? I’m glad you asked. Before planning this one for 2108: Eyes Open, I…
What Got Taken Out?-Behind the Scenes of 2108-Part 3
Warning: Slight Spoiler. If you want to know NOTHING of the first four chapters, skip the two starred…
Making a Character the Easy Way-Behind the Scenes of 2108-Part 1
With just over a month away from the big reveal of 2108: Eyes Open, I thought I’d write…
Can You Write Two Series at Once?
“Why did you start a second series before finishing the first?” Whether they ask it or not, I…
Journey of The Supernatural, Practical, Compassionate & Fun of Writing
Welcome to a journey of the supernatural, practical, compassionate and fun. Can those four go together? Apparently so.…
K. Ross
Hello! K.Ross here! Hope you enjoy reading some of my musings. I love to write, go adventuring with my husband, garden, make miniatures, and help kids become all they were created to be!
If you see the name “KL Glanville” around these pages too, that’s also me…there’s just been a few life changes in between! I moved, married and have a new publishing company!
Must Read
- 2108
- Acting
- Andi Roselund
- Angels
- Audio Books
- Author Interviews
- Author Life
- Authors
- Behind the Scenes
- Book Review
- Book Tour
- Book Trailer
- Change the World
- Creating a Character
- Dreams
- Fiction Writing Workbook
- Hunger Games
- Inspiration
- K. Ross's Books
- Life Update
- Love
- Music
- My Book Spy
- Pursuing Dreams
- Resolutions
- Self Discovery
- Sequels
- Series
- Shape-Shifting
- Space, Time & the Shopkeeper
- Supernatural
- Suzanne Collins
- Tea
- The Majestic High
- The Realm
- Transhumanism
- Uncategorized
- Vlog
- Writing
- Writing Tips